

Project description

We are delighted to announce the official launch of the EEGManyPipelines project! This project is inspired by other recent projects involving many independent analysis teams to investigate how different analysts approach a given data set and how analysis approaches affect the obtained results (e.g., Silberzahn et al., 2015; Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020). The aim of this project is to extend this novel initiative to EEG research. We believe this to be particularly important in the case of EEG data, as compared to other neuroimaging research, analysis pipelines are less standardized (e.g. see Cohen, 2017) and have more degrees of freedom. EEG is the most widespread tool in human neuroscience research with significant impact on research in all fields of psychology and cognitive neuroscience, which, we believe, makes the EEGManyPipelines project a timely and crucial endeavor that we hope will benefit a large part of the cognitive neuroscience community.

Participants in this project will get access to an EEG dataset and are invited to analyze the data with an analysis pipeline they deem sensible and representative of their own research. Participants will then report their results and a detailed description of the analysis pipeline back to us. We will use these reports to map the diversity of analysis pipelines and the effect of pipeline parameters on obtained results.

For questions or comments, please write email to

Steering committee

Algermissen, Johannes [Homepage] johannes
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behavior, Radboud University Nijmegen
I am a PhD candidate at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. I use (simultaneous) EEG and fMRI, eye-gaze, and pupillometry combined with computational modeling of behavior to study reinforcement learning and decision-making. I am particularly interested in motivational biases, i.e. the prospect of rewards or punishments invigorating or suppressing behavior.
Busch, Niko [Homepage] niko
Institute of Psychology, University of Münster
I am a professor for experimental psychology at the University of Münster. I use EEG, eye tracking, and psychophysics to study visual cognition. For more information, go to
Elena Cesnaite [ResearchGate] [Twitter] elena
Institute of Psychology, University of Münster
I'm a postdoc at the Institute of Psychology, University of Münster, focusing on reproducibility of EEG research and an impact different analysis parameters have to the observed result. I’m primarily working on the EEGManyPipelines project. My previous research experience and interests extend to spontaneous neural oscillations and their role in attention modulation.
Fischer, Nastassja L. [Google Scholar] [Twitter] nastassja
National University of Singapore (NUS)
I am a postdoc at National University of Singapore (NUS), where I presently work with EEG correlates of prosocial behaviours (e.g. fairness perception and theory of mind skills) in preschoolers. During my PhD, I investigated the EEG features linked with propagating information through social media. Therefore, my main research interests are (but not restricted to) investigating how people process and perceive social information and how this can affect their behaviours in real-world. When I am not working, I like to explore different cuisines, meet some friends and watch Netflix series.
Gianelli, Claudia [Twitter] claudia
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina
I am a Senior Assistant Professor at the University of Messina. I use brain stimulation, EEG, kinematics and behavioral measures - often in combination - to investigate motor cognition in healthy participants and clinical populations (e.g. patients with movement disorders).
Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame
I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Notre Dame. I use EEG and fMRI to study the neural bases of episodic memory - memory for unique past events - and how memory changes across the lifespan.
Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, University of Oxford
I'm a post-doc at the University of Oxford, interested in how interactions between brain regions enable humans to learn to attend to the right parts of space. I use a combination of MEG, computational modelling and brain stimulation (TMS, tDCS). I’m also interested in how we can improve the ways we do and think about cognitive neuroscience.
Navid, Muhammad Samran [Homepage] [Twitter] muhammad
King's College London and New Zealand College of Chiropractic
I am about to start Postdoc at King's College London in collaboration with NZ College of Chiropractic to continue my research on evaluating the effects of spinal manipulation on neural activity in healthy participants and clinical populations. I am also involved in research on brain-computer interfaces for stroke rehabilitation. I use EEG, fNIRS, EMG and brain stimulation (TMS, tDCS).
Nilsonne, Gustav [Homepage] [Homepage] [Twitter] gustav
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet
I am a researcher in neuroscience and metascience. I have worked for many years with brain imaging methods including MRI and EEG to study e.g. sleep and diurnal rhythms. I also take a strong interest in research transparency and reproducibility, and have been involved in numerous projects to examine replicability and reproducibility.
Pascarella, Annalisa [Homepage] [Twitter] annalisa
Institute for Applied Mathematics Mauro Picone, National Research Council, Roma
I am a Senior Researcher at Institute of Applied Mathematics M. Picone, National Council of Research in Roma (Italy). My main research interests regard the formulation, implementation and validation of algorithms for the solution of the MEG/EEG inverse problems. Recently a lot of effort was devoted in the development of NeuroPycon an open-source brain data analysis kit which provides reproducible Python-based pipelines for advanced multi-thread processing of fMRI, MEG and EEG data, with a focus on connectivity and graph analyses.
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä
I am a doctoral student at the Faculty of Information Technology of University of Jyväskylä. I develop new signal processing methods for analyzing electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography data, as well as biologically realistic spiking neural networks that can be used to simulate small brain structures, perform unsupervised machine learning, and many other tasks. I have also recently published a Python-based software for multiple hypothesis testing, and participate in projects that aim at enhancing reproducibility of neuroscience research.
Senoussi, Mehdi [Homepage] [Twitter] mehdi
Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University
I am a postdoc at Ghent University (Belgium) where I work with Tom Verguts on top-down/cognitive control mechanisms that allow us to manipulate and use perceptual and/or mnesic representations. For instance, our ability to implement a task rule (bind a percept to an action), attend to a specific feature, or create and manipulate a mental image. To tackle these questions I use computational modelling, Multivariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA) in fMRI & EEG, and spectral and connectivity measures (phase-locking, cross-frequency coupling). During my PhD at the CerCo lab (Toulouse, France) I worked on the effects of learning on neural representations of visual objects using MVPA in fMRI and EEG.
Trübutschek, Darinka [Homepage] [Twitter] darinka
Research Group Neural Circuits, Consciousness and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
I am currently an MSCA fellow with Lucia Melloni at the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics. As a cognitive neuroscientist, I try to understand how the human brain generates and stores subjective experiences. To this end, I employ a mixture of behavioral techniques and electrophysiological methods (i.e., EEG/MEG), as well as machine learning algorithms. When I am not in the lab, I enjoy spending time with my kids, cooking (and eating) dishes from different cultures and cuisines, listening to and playing music (either on my recorder or my guitar), and traveling to (foreign) cities and countries.
Vinding, Mikkel C. [Homepage] mikkel
Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
NatMEG, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
I am a post doc at the Department of Psychology at the University of Copenhagen, and an affiliated researcher at The National Facility for Magnetoencephalography (NatMEG) at Karolinska Institutet. My main research is on motor control and functional correlates of neurodegenerative diseases involving M/EEG.
Vitale, Andrea [Twitter] andrea
Child Psychopathology Department, Scientific Institute IRCCS Eugenio Medea; Laboratory for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
I am a second-year postdoctoral fellow. Currently my research investigates the impact of neural oscillatory states on low-level sensory information processing and their potential cascade effects in developmental disorders. For this purpose I use EEG (and eye-tracking) and I am interested in a mixture of source localization and decoding analysis.
Yang, Yu-Fang [Twitter] yu-fang
Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Education and Psychology, Division General Psychology and Neuropsychology
I am a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Würzburg. I use EEG, eye-tracking, and psychophysics to investigate the face perception, visual processing, and emotions both in healthy subjects and patients with disorders in socioemotional processing, such as patients with schizophrenia. Furthermore, I combine EEG measure with computational modelling of behaviour to study decision making in face processing.
Yeaton, Jeremy [Homepage] [Twitter] jeremy
Department of Language Science, University of California, Irvine
I am a PhD student in Language Science at the University of Californa, Irvine. I use a wide variety of methods (e.g.: EEG, eye-tracking, animal models) to investigate the evolutionary and neural bases of language. More specifically, I’m interested in the neural implementation of hierarchical structure, especially syntax.

Advisory board


The project is supported by a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) to Niko Busch and by the DFG priority program "META-REP: A Meta-scientific Programme to Analyse and Optimise Replicability in the Behavioural, Social, and Cognitive Sciences". Gustav Nilsonne is supported by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.


[1] Botvinik-Nezer R, Holzmeister F, ..., Schonerg T (2020): Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams. Nature 582:84–88.
[2] Cohen, MX (2017): Rigor and replication in time-frequency analyses of cognitive electrophysiology data. International Journal of Psychophysiology 111:80–87.
[3] Silberzahn R, Uhlmann EL, ..., Nosek BA (2018): Many analysts, one dataset: making transparent how variations in analytic choices affect results. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1(3):337–356.
This page was last modified on July 2nd 2022.